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Commercial and Distribution Law

Experience has shown that commercial relationships and distribution systems that are successful are often based on long-term and legally-sound business relationships. It is our goal to ensure that our clients have successful businesses.

To ensure that your business is successful at every level of the supply chain, we help you come up with a commercial and sales strategy, not only in terms of drafting and negotiating enforceable contracts, but also contracts that achieve your business goals. Our aim is to identify risks early to mitigate any surprises or avoidable disputes. We advise both national and international companies in any number of industries.

Our advice and representation includes the entire distribution chain, from production to retail and B2B sales, whether for start-ups, medium-sized companies, or international conglomerates.

We help you prepare optimal commercial agreements and distribution agreements. We draft and negotiate these agreements and, to the extent necessary, enforce them in court. This applies also to any expansion, whether in Europe or globally.

Our team has many years of experience in the following sectors: retail, services, system catering, hotel business, automotive, optical, fashion, manufacturing, mechanical engineering as well as real estate.


  • System design: joint development of new sales systems and sales strategies, from start-ups to international rollouts
  • E-Commerce: prepare online sales concepts, general terms and conditions, and order processes for online retail sales (eStores and online trading platforms)
  • Distribution agreements: review, draft, negotiate, and terminate any type of distribution agreements, in particular software license and franchise agreements, sales representative, distribution, and authorized dealer agreements
  • Advise on distribution systems, including on distribution antitrust issues
  • Draft general terms and conditions as well as purchase and service agreements (B2B and B2C)
  • Establish representative offices, branches, subsidiaries, or joint ventures
  • Conduct due diligence on distribution issues
  • Provide contract management and compliance training for sales and marketing staff

Representative Matters

  • Outsourced legal department of the German subsidiary of a NYSE-listed company with $3.5 billion in revenues
  • Advise German subsidiary of US corporation regarding the manufacturing of industrial equipment
  • Advising a franchisor with over 20,000 locations worldwide
  • Advising several automotive groups on franchise law issues
  • Serve as European counsel to an Australian multi-brand group with over 2,500 locations worldwide
  • Advising a leading provider of transport automation solutions in the conversion of its European distribution system from sales representatives to authorized dealers