German Attorney at Law since 1981
Certified Intellectual Property Law Specialist since 2007
Dr. Ulf Heil
+49 69 95508-147
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Languages: German, English
- Practice Areas
- Practice Summary
- Representative Client Matters
- Publications and Speaking Engagements
- Professional Memberships and Activities
- Education and Career
- Professional Recognition
- Competition Law and Trademark Law
- Pharmaceutical Advertising
- Copyright and Industrial Design Law
- Freedom of Expression and Defamation Issues
- Distribution Law
- Litigation in the Above-Listed Areas
- Represent Ferrero Deutschland GmbH in competition and trademark disputes regarding product piracy at all court levels in Germany
- Advise Coca-Cola GmbH in competition matters
- Represent a leading pharmaceutical company in various legal disputes with one of the world’s largest competitors at all court levels in Germany
- Comprehensive competition and distribution advice to German Mattel GmbH
- Defended a significant chocolate manufacturer in its rights to the traditional Easter Bunny figurine against its competitor, Lindt and its “Gold Bunny” (“Goldhase“) (seven court instances over an 11-year period)
- Provide competition and distribution law advice and litigate related disputes for one of the largest cosmetics and cleaning detergent producers
- Advise an international manufacturer of batteries, household goods, and hygiene products in competition and distribution law matters
- Provided distribution law advice to, and litigated on behalf of, one of the largest suppliers of prefabricated houses
- Provide franchise law advice to several companies in the catering industry
Selected Publications
- Einheitliche Einwilligungserklärung für mehrere Werbekanäle? (Uniform Declaration of Consent for Multiple Advertising Channels?), WRP 2018, pp. 535 et seq.
- Erstbegehungsgefahr durch Ausstellen auf internationaler Fachmesse (Danger of First Infringement by Product Presentation at International Trade Fairs) WRP 2015, pp. 688 et seq.
- Werbung mit Gewinnspielen (Advertising with Promotional Contests), Absatzwirtschaft Volume 7/2006, p. 54
- Produkthaftung für Medizinprodukte (Product Liability of Medical Products) in Anhalt/Dieners, Handbuch des Medizinprodukterechts (Handbook of Medical Products Law), 2nd Ed., C.H. Beck, Munich 2017, pp. 835 et seq. (co-authored with Dr. Andrea Mayer-Sandrock)
- Gewinnspiele – Eine unendliche Geschichte? (Promotional Contests – A Never-Ending Story?) WRP 1998, p. 839
- Zur dreifachen Schadensberechnung bei Übernahme sonderrechtlich nicht geschützter Leistungen (Treble Damages Calculation Upon the Transfer of Unprotected Performance) GRUR 1994, p. 26 (co-authored with Dr. Michael Roos)
- Zur wettbewerbsrechtlichen Zulässigkeit von Gewinnspielen (Permission of Promotional Contests Under Competition Law) WRP 1989, p. 647
- Various other articles concerning competition law and on advertising in the health care system in pertinent journals
- Various short articles and columns in magazines and newspapers
- German Association of Intellectual Property and Copyright Law (Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V. (GRUR))
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Internationale Vereinigung für den Schutz des geistigen Eigentums (AIPPI))
- Inter-Disciplinary Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Mannheim (IZG Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Geistiges Eigentum an der Universität Mannheim e.V.)
- German Judicial Day Association (Deutscher Juristentag e.V.)
- Lecturer at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts since 2012
- Judge with the Hessian Disciplinary Court for Attorneys since 2005