Dr. Andreas Ripken
German Attorney at Law since 2013
German Notary since 2020
Languages: German, English
- Commercial and Corporate Law
- M&A
- Notarial Services
Commercial and Corporate Law
Andreas advises on all areas of commercial and corporate law. He regularly forms new companies for clients, advises on general commercial or corporate law matters, company succession issues, restructurings, as well as on corporate crises. In shareholder disputes, Andreas represents his clients both in arbitration and litigation proceedings. He provides legal counsel not only to domestic, mid-size companies and family-operated businesses, but also to groups of companies with a multitude of subsidiaries.
Andreas represents either buyers or sellers in domestic and cross-border M&A transactions. He advises on all facets of an M&A transaction, including preliminary agreements (Confidentiality Agreements and Letters of Intent), due diligence, preparing and negotiating contracts, as well as on matters that arise during the post-closing integration stage. In addition to his representation of buyers or sellers in corporate acquisitions, he advises on the reorganization of company structures, joint venture structures, mergers, demergers, and changes of legal form.
As a Notary, Andreas offers notarial services in various areas, in particular in corporate law matters, asset and company succession matters, and in the areas of inheritance law and real estate.
Industry focus
Gastronomy, Medicine, Service, Start-up Companies, Energy, Trade & Distribution, Manufacturing and Automation Technology, Real Estate, IT
Andreas counseled and represented clients in the following matters, among others:
- German energy supplier on disputes in connection with a joint-venture (involved both arbitration and litigation proceedings)
- German company from the system gastronomy sector on disputes with system gastronomy partners
- German entrepreneurs on the sale of shares of their start-up company to German and Japanese buyers
- Chinese Group from the energy sector on the restructuring of its European subsidiaries
- Austrian shareholder of a German manufacturing company (with a US subsidiary) and a Swiss company on the sale of shares to a German private equity fund
- Dutch Company from the food and beverage industry on the sale of its German branch to a German competitor
- Several German companies from the system gastronomy sectors on joint venture agreements
- German shareholders on the sale of a private hospital along with a solo medical practice (as part of a conversion into a medical center (MVZ)) to a Swiss private equity fonds
- German subsidiaries of an Austrian corporation in the automotive sector on various restructuring measures
- German shareholders on the sale of a private hospital along with a solo medical practice (as part of a conversion into a medical center (MVZ)) to a Dutch private equity fonds
- German entrepreneur of the system gastronomy sector on the sale of various businesses
- A US-based private equity firm on the acquisition of a German privately-held manufacturing company
- German majority shareholder of a spa resort on several shareholder disputes (involved both arbitration and litigation proceedings)
- German subsidiaries of a US-based corporation in the manufacturing and automation technology business on various restructuring measures (including mergers)
- Hamburg Court Decision Puts Onus on Buyers to Conduct Proper Due Diligence Investigations in M&A Transactions (co-author with Jörg Rehder/SCHIEDERMAIR); ABA Section of International Law; International M&A and Joint Ventures Committee Newsletter; October 16, 2015, pp. 12-14
- Existenzvernichtungshaftung von Scheinauslandsgesellschaftern – zur Anwendung der Existenzvernichtungshaftung auf in- und ausländische Scheinauslandsgesellschaften im Schnittfeld von Kollisionsrecht und Niederlassungsfreiheit (Liability for the Elimination of Existence of Pseudo Foreign Companies – Applicability of so-called Existenzvernichtungshaftung of Domestic and Foreign Pseudo Companies as Intersected between Conflicts of Laws and the Freedom of Establishment), 2012
Andreas has been a German Attorney at Law since 2013 and a Notary in Frankfurt am Main since 2020.
Andreas began his career as a German Attorney at Law at SCHIEDERMAIR in Frankfurt am Main. In 2018 he became a Junior Partner of the firm and has been a Partner of SCHIEDERMAIR since 2020.
Prior to joining SCHIEDERMAIR, Andreas completed his post-graduate legal training period (Referendariat) at the Regional Court District of Bremen, Germany from 2011 to 2013, where his work included working for a business law firm in Bremen and at the German Embassy in Seoul, South Korea. Andreas also worked as a research assistant in a large international law firm in Frankfurt, where he focused also on corporate law and M&A.
Andreas studied law at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany and at the Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania. In 2012, he received his Doctorate (Dr. jur.) from the Justus-Liebig University where his thesis focused on international corporate law.