Dr. Heinrich Geddert

German Attorney at Law since 1982
Founding Partner
Of Counsel at SCHIEDERMAIR since 2020
(Partner from 2001 to 2019)
German Notary (ret.)

Languages: German, English

  • Corporate Law
  • Inheritance Law
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Legal Opinions
  • Notarial Services

Corporate Law

Heinrich’s practice focuses on corporate law. His clients are primarily corporations (as well as foundations or associations) and entrepreneurs. He advises and represents them primarily in corporate and commercial law matters. This representation includes preparing legal opinions, drafting and negotiating agreements, reviewing, defending, and executing claims and demands, and resolving disputes concerning bankruptcy issues. Heinrich works closely together with other SCHIEDERMAIR attorneys with respect to commercial leasing matters, competition law, and tax matters.


Heinrich has over 30 years of experience litigating corporate and commercial matters, including significant, complex matters. As part of his litigation practice, he has in particular handled numerous appeals over the years. In addition, he has argued before arbitral bodies on behalf of his clients to resolve various types of disputes.

Industry Focus

Financial Services, Construction, Mid-Sized Service Companies, Manufacturing

  • Notarizing agreements for large M&A transactions
  • Complex litigation, including preparing legal opinions concerning the viability of claims at the appellate level.
  • Legal opinions regarding the liability of executives in connection with the business judgment rule
  • Preparing corporate succession agreements, including associated tax issues
  • Frankfurt Association of Attorneys (Frankfurter Anwaltsverein e.V.)
  • German Association of Attorneys (Deutscher Anwaltsverein e.V.)
  • Frankfurt Legal Society (Frankfurter Juristische Gesellschaft)
  • Association of German Jurists (Deutscher Juristentag e.V.)
  • Leipzig Legal Society (Leipziger Juristische Gesellschaft)
  • Banking Law Association – Academic Association for Banking Law (Bankrechtliche Vereinigung – Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Bankrecht)
  • German Academy for Law and Legislation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesetzgebung e.V.)
  • Working Group of Certified Tax Lawyers (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Fachanwälte für Steuerrecht)
  • Working Group for Tax Law of the German Association of Attorneys (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Steuerrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein)
  • Working Group for Inheritance Law of the German Association of Attorneys (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erbrecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein)
  • Berlin Tax Group (Berliner Steuergespräche)
  • German Labor and Employment Court Association (Deutscher Arbeitsgerichtsverband e.V.)

Heinrich has been a German Attorney at Law since 1982, Founding Member of SCHIEDERMAIR since 2001, and a Notary (ret.).

From 1991 through 1995 he was instrumental in the development of the Leipzig, Germany office of BODEN OPPENHOFF RASOR RAUE.   During this time, he was the first President of the Saxony Attorneys’ Tribunal (Anwaltsgerichtshof) from 1992 to 1995.

Prior to co-founding SCHIEDERMAIR as a Partner in 2001, Heinrich consistently practiced with law firms that served as predecessor firms to SCHIEDERMAIR. He began his career in 1982 with RASOR & SCHIEDERMAIR, where he was named Partner in 1985. From 1989 through 1991 he was a Partner at BODEN OPPENHOFF RASOR SCHNEIDER & SCHIEDERMAIR, and subsequently from 1991 through 1995 he was a Partner of BODEN OPPENHOFF RASOR RAUE.  From 1995 to 2001 he was a Partner of OPPENHOFF & RÄDLER.

Heinrich studied law and philosophy in Hamburg and Frankfurt. He was an Assistant Lecturer in Law at the Johann Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt for five years. He earned his Doctorate at this same university (Recht und Moral (Law and Morality, Berlin, 1984). He completed his post-graduate legal training period (Referendariat) at the District Court of Frankfurt.