Dr. Katrin Stadler
German Attorney at Law since 2004
Certified Intellectual Property Law Specialist since 2011
Languages: German, English
- Privacy Law
- E-Commerce
- General Terms and Conditions
- Trade Secret Law and Whistleblowing
- Competition Law
- Distribution Law
For years, Katrin has been advising clients in various sectors, including hotels, the health care sector, the financial services industry and the municipal/public sector, on data privacy issues. In particular, she assists in implementing requirements of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), advises on the practical handling of data subject requests and in the event of data breaches.
- Ongoing advice on data protection and general contract law for hotel groups with several hotels in Europe
- Many years of continuous advice to the business development agencies of the State of Hesse and other municipal institutions in data protection, IT and competition law
- Long-term contract and competition law advice to one of the market leaders in the distribution of diabetes supplies, in particular design of the online store including general terms and conditions, legal notice as well as design of marketing measures, customer loyalty programs, implementation of compliance requirements such as a code of conduct and other measures
- Advice on data protection law for the German branch of a leading Northern European banking group
- Drafting contracts and advising on the introduction of a number of new apps, websites, chatbots, etc.
- Advising a number of IT service providers, FinTech companies/start-ups in data protection, distribution and competition law
- Long-term and ongoing data protection law advice and support to the external data protection officer of a German credit brokerage portal and an online bank
- Ongoing data protection law advice to various companies from the health, pharmaceutical and medical products sectors as well as non-profit associations and voluntary institutions
- Advising a company from the civil engineering sector with group headquarters in England on data protection and competition law
- Legal support and design of a new social media platform for MS sufferers and their relatives
- Comprehensive redesign of the online store of a major German fashion label
- Drafting of general terms and conditions in the B2C and B2B sectors for leading global manufacturers of confectionery and PC supplies as well as for hotels
- Advice on general terms and conditions and data protection law for the market-leading manufacturer of soft drinks on the market launch of a new app
Selected Publications
- Various lectures and in-house training courses on data protection law since the introduction of GDPR
- Author for IT-Rechts-Berater for several years
- Zulässiger Preisänderungsvorbehalt in Reisekatalogen (Permissible Reservation to Change Prices in Travel Catalogues), IP-Rechts-Berater 2010, 202
- Platzierung von Preisangaben im Onlineshop (Placement of Price Information for Online Shops), IT-Rechts-Berater 2010, 158
- Unzureichende Garantieerklärung in Internet-Auktionsangebot (Inadequate Warranty for Offers Made by Way of an Auction on the Internet), IT-Rechts-Berater 2010, 131
- Unberechtigte Bildveröffentlichung im Internet (Unauthorized Publication of Pictures on the Internet), IT-Rechts-Berater 2009, 269
- Wettbewerbswidrige Preisverschleierung in Onlineangebot (Unfair Concealment of Prices in Online Offers), IT-Rechts-Berater 2009, 105
- Unwirksamkeit von Cold-Call-Verträgen (Invalidity of Agreements Made on the Basis of a Cold Call), IT-Rechts-Berater 2008, 271
- Mutmaßliche Einwilligung in Telefonwerbung (Presumed Consent for Advertising via the Telephone), IT-Rechts-Berater 2008, 176
- Managing Partner of Beratungsgesellschaft für Datenschutz mbH, Data Protection Officer
- German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyrights (Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V.)
Katrin has been a German Attorney at Law since 2004, a Junior Partner at SCHIEDERMAIR since 2009, and was named Counsel at SCHIEDERMAIR in 2019.
Katrin studied law and political science at the Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany and the Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany. As part of her doctoral thesis, she was a Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University for a few months. She earned her Doctorate in 2004.
While completing her doctoral thesis, Katrin worked as an Editor at Deutsches Recht (German Law), a monthly legal publication and at CLIFFORD CHANCE in Duesseldorf. During her studies, she also completed an internship at the German Desk of KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP in London.
JUVE Handbook 2018/2019: Named as “often recommended” as Attorney in Intellectual Property