Dr. Matthias Möller

German Attorney at Law since 2003

Languages: German, English

  • M&A
  • Venture Capital/Private Equity
  • Stock Corporation Law
  • Capital Markets Law

Matthias has more than 15 years of experience advising on venture capital and corporate transactions. He focuses on advising investors or founders on venture capital transaction and on small and mid-cap M&A transactions. He also represents minority shareholders at shareholders’ meetings, corporations and former corporate executives on asserting or defending liability claims, and he assists with structuring and placing corporate debt (via public offering or private placements).

  • Advise majority shareholder in a sale of an automotive and engineering company to a private equity investor
  • Prepare and organize a shareholders‘ meeting of VestCorp AG to remove the supervisory board members and management (covered by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper on April 11 and 12, 2013)
  • Represent a bankruptcy administrator pursuing liability claims against former corporate executives
  • Advise on structuring and placing public and private corporate bond offering, e.g.,
    nextbike bond 5% 2017/2022, collateralized bond with issuing volume of EUR 10 Mio. (public offering)
  • Africa Greentec 6,5% 2017/ 2027 collateralized annuity bond with issuing volume of EUR 10 Mio. (private offering)
  • SCP Eisenzahnstraß3 11-16 GmbH & Co. KG, 5,5% 2017-2020 collateralized bond with issuing volume of EUR 10 Mio. (public offering)
  • Chancen eG 3% 2019/2031, collateralized bond with issuing volume of EUR 13 Mio. (public offering)
  • nextbike bond 5,25% 2017/2022, collateralized bond with issuing volume of EUR 20 Mio. (private offering)
  • Corporate Financing on the Capital Market – Beyond the COVID-19 Strained Credit Institutions (Unternehmensfinanzierung am Kapitalmarkt – jenseits der COVID-19 strapazierten Kreditinstitute), NZG 21/2020, S. 816, (co-author with Tobias Habermann/SCHIEDERMAIR)
  • The EU-Growth Prospectus – an Alternative for Small and Medium-Sized Companies (Der EU-Wachstumsprospekt – eine Alternative für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen), co-author with Alexandra Ziegltrum/SCHIEDERMAIR)
  • Success of the Modernization of the Legal Framework Conditions for Venture Capital in Germany? Claims and Reality (Erfolg bei der Modernisierung der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen für Wagniskapital in Deutschland? Anspruch und Wirklichkeit), co-author with Axel Schilder, Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2007, p. 2753
  • Right of Inspection of the Statutory Auditor‘s Reports Pursuant to Section 321 a Commercial Code (Einsichtsrecht nach § 321 a HGB in die Prüfungsberichte des gesetzlichen Abschlussprüfers), co-author with Karl-Heinz Forster and Hans Friedrich Gelhausen, Die Wirtschaftsprüfung (WPg) May, 2007, p. 191
  • Support of Private Equity and Venture Capital Through Proposed Improvements to the Tax Framework (Förderung von Private Equity und Venture Capital durch geplante Verbesserung der steuerlichen Rahmenbedingungen), Betriebs-Berater (BB) 2006, p. 971
  • Venture Capital and Private Equity Holdings (Venture Capital- & Private Equity-Beteiligungen), co-author with Axel Pfeifer, in Moritz (Editor), Handbook on Financial and Asset Advice (Finanz- und Vermögensberatung), 2004
  • Corporate Structuring of Venture Capital Financing (Rechtsformen der Wagnisfinanzierung), Frankfurt am Main 2002 (PhD thesis)
  • Contracting Between Start-Ups and Investors (Vertragsgestaltung zwischen Start-up Unternehmen und Investoren), co-author with Theodor Baums, in: Hommel (Editor), Value Oriented Management for Start-Ups (Wertorientiertes Start-Up-Management), Munich 2002
  • Venture Capital: US Model and German Stock Law (Venture Capital: US-amerikanisches Modell und deutsches Aktienrecht), in: Baums and Hopt (Editors), Corporations, Capital Markets and Business in the Law, London 2000; co-author with Theodor Baums
  • Academic Association for Enterprise and Corporate Law (Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht (VGR) e.V.)
  • Founding Member of German Stanford Student Association
  • Founding Member of Society of German Students in Osnabrueck as part of the Association of Societies of German Students (Verein Deutscher Studenten zu Osnabrück im VVDSt)

Matthias has been a German Attorney at Law since 2003 and a Partner at SCHIEDERMAIR since 2015.  Prior to joining SCHIEDERMAIR, Matthias practiced with the German firm of GSK STOCKMANN & KOLLEGEN from 2007 to 2015 and with  PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS AG from 2005 to 2007.  Matthias began his career as a lawyer with the Frankfurt firm of mpk Michaelis Pfeifer König, where he was from 2002 to 2004.

Before being admitted to the German Bar, Matthias was a Research Fellow of Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. Theodor Baums, from 1997 to 2000, during which he completed a comparative law doctoral thesis on the legal framework of venture capital financing in the United States and Germany.  During this period, he also completed research at Stanford University from October, 1998 to March, 1999.  Matthias studied law at the University of Osnabrueck, Germany from 1992 to 1997.  He is a Founding Member of the Society of German Students in Osnabrueck.

  • Matthias’ doctoral thesis was awarded a sponsorship prize from the Heinz-Ansman Foundation.
  • He is listed in the Legal 500 (2014) and in JUVE 2019/2020 as a Recommended Lawyer in corporate law.
  • Matthias was nominated for the Platow Legal Award 2013 for the legal services he provided in the “VestCorp-Case”.