German Attorney at Law since 1997
Certified Mediator since 2018
Stephanie G. Hartung, LL.M. (USA)
+49 69 95508-147
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Languages: German, English, French
- Practice Areas
- Practice Summary
- Representative Client Matters
- Publications and Speaking Engagements
- Professional Memberships and Activities
- Education and Career
- Domain Name and Internet Law
- Trademark Law
- Intellectual Property Law
- Data Protection Law
- Arbitration and Mediation
- Representation of FERRERO Deutschland in various trademark application and opposition proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) and the German Federal Patent Court (BPatG) as well as before the European Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- Representation of FERRERO Deutschland in numerous domain name disputes concerning national as well as international domain name owners and third parties
- Representation of an international wine producer based in France in relation to numerous trademark applications and opposition proceedings before the DPMA and the BPatG as well as before the EUIPO and before other non-German bodies
- Advise various companies from the financial sector on the implementation of the legal requirements in accordance with the EU-GDPR and resulting questions in day-to-day business matters, especially in relation to data protection agencies
Selected Publications
- “The Introduction of the .eu Top-Level-Domain – A Success?”; Terralex Intellectual Property Newsletter, 14th Edition, October 2006, pp. 39-40
- “Rechtssicherheit des Vertragsschlusses von Internet-Auktionen” (Legal Certainty of Contract Formation via Internet Auctions); Multimedia & Recht 2001, pp. 278-286 (co-author with Alexander Hartmann)
- “Markenrecht und Meta-Tags – Eine Herausforderung für die deutsche Rechtsprechung zum Kennzeichenschutz im Internet” (Trademark Law and Meta-Tags – A Challenge for the German Courts Relating to Trademark Protection on the Internet); Der Wirtschaftsredakteur, Issue 17, September 4, 2000, pp. 28-29
- “Das Ende der Tabakwerbung in Deutschland und Europa? Zum Inhalt und zur Rechtmäßigkeit der neuen EG-Richtlinie betreffend das Verbot der Werbung für und des Sponsoring von Tabakerzeugnissen” (The End of Tobacco Advertising in Germany and Europe? Content and Legality of the New EC Directive Regarding the Ban on Tobacco Product Advertising and Sponsorship); ZUM 1998, pp. 820-833 (co-author with Prof. Dr. Johannes Kreile)
Selected Speaking Engagements
- „Confusing Similarity“, Presentation as part of the Annual Panelists Meeting of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for Domain Name Dispute Resolution, Geneva, Switzerland, October 2017
- „Domain Name Conflicts and International Principles of Dispute Resolution illustrated by the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)“, Presentation as part of the National Annual Training for Judges in Intellectual Property (IP) Rights Protection in Liepaja, Latvia, September 2017
- Moderated Open Floor Discussion of topics related to the UDRP arbitration rules as part of the Annual Panelists Meeting of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for Domain Name Dispute Resolution, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2016
- „Territories versus Internet“, Presentation as part of the Annual Panelists Meeting of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center for Domain Name Dispute Resolution, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2015
- German Association of Intellectual Property and Copyright Law (Deutsche Vereinigung für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V.) (GRUR)
- International Technology Law Association (ITechLaw)
- PENN Law European Society (PLES)/PENN Law Alumni Society
- Arbitrator (Panelist) for Domain Name Disputes (UDRP) with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Arbitration and Mediation Center for Domain Name Dispute Resolution since 2011 as well as with the Czech Arbitration Court (CAC) since 2016